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How to apply?

To apply for the Cyber Summer School,


Download all the challenges from this page and try to solve them. Cannot find a flag? Not a problem! The way you arrive at the solution is often more important than the answer itself.


Download the registration form. Fill-in your personal data, motivation, and the different flags you have found (or not). It is important that you also provide your approach and reasoning for your attempts, even if you could not fully solve a challenge.


Send the registration form to as an attachment not later than 23:59 CEST on 23 June 2024. Any submissions beyond the deadline will not be considered.


After analysis of the applications, we will contact you personally to let you know if you have been selected or not.

Registration form

You want to apply for the Cyber Summer School? Download the registration form, fill it in and send it to!



Key size does not matter

Our Digital Forensics team extracted an encrypted document. We know it is a Word document and it has been encrypted with an XOR key. This a 256-bit key! This is unbreakable with our current brute-force tools. Can you find a clever way to read the document’s content?



The Digital Forensic team of Belgian Defence has acquired a phone of a target and made an image of its file system. Knowing that the phone is running Android, can you answer a few questions to help the investigators?



Benign or hostile?

CTI analysts have created a list of domains used for malicious C2 communication. One domain, that is benign, accidentally got mixed into the list. Will you be able to spot it?


Ho ho ho sint!

The Cyber Command received an intel report with missing information. Can you find it through OSINT? The flag of the challenge is composed with one letter of each missing word.



Only riches can be stolen

Oh no, I got tricked into executing a malicious script Luckily I capture all traffic leaving my network. Can you find out what data was stolen?


Oops, I Leaked It again

A few months ago, the VRT made a reportage in Ukraine and mistakenly leaked some crucial sensitive information. Can you uncover the leak, the same way we did?

Capture d’écran 2024-05-31 à 10.27.19.png


Writings from Hell

Our SIGINT capacity intercepted a transmission they were unable to decode. Can you do it better than our analysts?


Long story short

Our Prime Minister Alexander De Croo needs to travel to Ukraine to meet President Zelensky to discuss the Belgian support to their country. What would you recommend to him to make sure he has a proper Cyber hygiene and to avoid Cyber threats?

Please note that there is no file to download for this challenge.

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